I have a task in Celery that could potentially run for 10,000 seconds while operating normally. However all the rest of my tasks should be done in less than one second. Ho
This is an example with decorator for an specific Task and Celery 3.1.23 using soft_time_limit=10000
@task(bind=True, default_retry_delay=30, max_retries=3, soft_time_limit=10000)
def process_task(self, task_instance):
"""Task processing."""
You can set task time limits (hard and/or soft) either while defining a task or while calling.
from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded
def mytask():
return do_work()
except SoftTimeLimitExceeded:
mytask.apply_async(args=[], kwargs={}, time_limit=30, soft_time_limit=10)