I have a submit button at the end of the form.
I have added the following condition to the submit button:
You should first submit your form and then change the value of your submit:
onClick="this.form.submit(); this.disabled=true; this.value='Sending…'; "
In this working example, the user confirms in JavaScript that he really wants to abort. If true, the button is disabled to prevent double click and then the code behind which updates the database will run.
<asp:button id="btnAbort" runat="server" OnClick="btnAbort_Click" OnClientClick="if (!abort()) {return false;};" UseSubmitBehavior="false" text="Abort" ></asp:button>
I had issues because .net can change the name of the button
function abort() {
if (confirm('<asp:Literal runat="server" Text="Do you want to abort?" />')) {
var btn = document.getElementById('btnAbort');
btn.disabled = true;
btn.innerText = 'Aborting...'
return true;
else {
return false;
Because you are overriding the OnClick with OnClientClick, even if your validation method succeeds, the code behind wont work. That's why you set UseSubmitBehavior to false to make it work
PS: You don't need the OnClick if your code is in vb.net!
Another solution i´ve used is to move the button instead of disabling it. In that case you don´t have those "disable" problems. Finally what you really want is people not to press twice, if the button is not there they can´t do it.
You may also replace it with another button.
Disabled HTML forms elements aren't sent along with the post/get values when you submit the form. So if you disable your submit button once clicked and that this submit button have the name
attribute set, It will not be sent in the post/get values since the element is now disabled. This is normal behavior.
One of the way to overcome this problem is using hidden form elements.
In my case this was needed.
Disable submit button on form submit
It works fine in Internet Explorer and Firefox without it, but it did not work in Google Chrome.
The problem is that you are disabling the button before it can actually trigger the submit event.
function xxxx() {
// submit or validate here , disable after that using below
document.getElementById('buttonId').disabled = 'disabled';
document.getElementById('buttonId').disabled = '';