I want to know how i can check a program in a specific location if it is running. For example there are two locations for test.exe in c:\\loc1\\test.exe and c:\\loc2\\test.e
This will bring for you a lot of info about the entry assembly, such as:
This will tell the location of the running assembly.
You should iterate over all existing processes and then check their MainModule property for the file name you are looking for. Something like this
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
string fileNameToFilter = Path.GetFullPath("c:\\loc1\\test.exe");
foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses())
string fileName = Path.GetFullPath(p.MainModule.FileName);
//cehck for equality (case insensitive)
if (string.Compare(fileNameToFilter, fileName, true) == 0)