I\'m using a EC2 server instance. Used the following to install Jenkins:
wget -q -O - http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add
For me the best method of retrieving admin pass is by executing cat command inside the running container.
docker exec YOUR_JENKINS_CONTAINER cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
With the default Jenkins installation using Homebrew on macOS this will output the initial password for the admin
sudo cat /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
I am a Mac OS user & following credential pair worked for me:
Username: admin
Password: admin
When installing Jenkins from AWS Marketplace . . .
"A default user "admin"with the instance-id as password is created to secure the Jenkins instance."
On the AWS Console for EC2, with the instance selected, choose the "Usage Instructions" tab:
"AWS Marketplace Usage Instructions Latest Versions: A default user "admin"with the instance-id as password is created to secure the Jenkins instance. Once the instance is started, copy the public DNS hostname of the server in the AWS Management Console and enter it in your web browser. The welcome screen allows you to request a trial license, start and evaluation, enter a license key, or connect to your instance to Operations Center. Once the license step is done, your instance is fully functional. We recommend enabling security and backups. You can connect with SSH to the server using the "ubuntu"linux user. The JENKINS_HOME is located under "/var/lib/jenkins". Jenkins listens on the following ports: * HTTP 80: through HAProxy, can be configured to use HTTPS:443 instead * Jenkins SSH 2222: primarily for the CloudBees Git Validated Merge Plugin * Jenkins JNLP 10000: communication from Jenkins agents or Jenkins CLI configured to use JNLP protocol. Not exposed by default on security groups."
I was running Jenkins executing java -jar jenkins.war
In my case Jenkins wrote webroot in an stdout: webroot: $user.home/.jenkins
. So admin secret key was placed in a ~/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
If you don't create a new user when you installed jenkins, then:
user: admin pass: go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\secrets and open the file initialAdminPassword