Is there any way to take the difference between two datetime
in sql server?
For example, my dates are
2010-01-22 15:29:55.090
For Me This worked Perfectly Convert(varchar(8),DATEADD(SECOND,DATEDIFF(SECOND,LogInTime,LogOutTime),0),114)
and the Output is HH:MM:SS which is shown accurately in my case.
Just a caveat to add about DateDiff, it counts the number of times you pass the boundary you specify as your units, so is subject to problems if you are looking for a precise timespan. e.g.
select datediff (m, '20100131', '20100201')
gives an answer of 1, because it crossed the boundary from January to February, so even though the span is 2 days, datediff would return a value of 1 - it crossed 1 date boundary.
select datediff(mi, '2010-01-22 15:29:55.090' , '2010-01-22 15:30:09.153')
Gives a value of 1, again, it passed the minute boundary once, so even though it is approx 14 seconds, it would be returned as a single minute when using Minutes as the units.
Use This for DD:MM:SS
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(max), Datediff(dd, '2019-08-14 03:16:51.360',
'2019-08-15 05:45:37.610'))
+ ':'
+ CONVERT(CHAR(8), Dateadd(s, Datediff(s, '2019-08-14 03:16:51.360',
'2019-08-15 05:45:37.610'), '1900-1-1'), 8)
Check DateDiff out on Books Online.
Ok we all know the answer involves DATEDIFF()
. But that gives you only half the result you may be after. What if you want to get the results in human-readable format, in terms of Minutes and Seconds between two DATETIME
and of course DATEDIFF()
functions are perfect for a more easily readable result that your clients can use, instead of a number.
CONVERT(varchar(5), DATEADD(minute, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, date1, date2), 0), 114)
This will give you something like:
If you want more precision, just increase the VARCHAR()
CONVERT(varchar(12), DATEADD(minute, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, date1, date2), 0), 114)
datediff(millisecond,'2010-01-22 15:29:55.090','2010-01-22 15:30:09.153') / 1000.0 as Secs
Just thought I'd mention it.