When creating an UIImage with corrupt/incomplete JPEG data, the console will print out
In response to Slee's question above, this is the method I use:
-(BOOL)dataIsValidJPEG:(NSData *)data
if (!data || data.length < 2) return NO;
NSInteger totalBytes = data.length;
const char *bytes = (const char*)[data bytes];
return (bytes[0] == (char)0xff &&
bytes[1] == (char)0xd8 &&
bytes[totalBytes-2] == (char)0xff &&
bytes[totalBytes-1] == (char)0xd9);
Depends on how you are getting the data etc. Maybe this is what you are looking for: iphone-corrupt-jpeg-data-for-image-received-over-http
A simple way to check if the JPEG data is complete or not is to check the first and last two bytes for FF D8 and FF D9 respectively. Those two bytes identify the start and end of a JPEG file respectively.