If you means to access status of particular user from ASP.NET.
so, you want to know if that person is available or not. add image link to this url.
<img src="http://mystatus.skype.com/smallclassic/skypename" />
Where skyname is the person that you want to show status.
To make a link for Skype's profile
<a href="skype:skypename?userinfo">Joe Doe's Profile</a>
but if you want to do it other way e.g. Code-Behind - Then this link should provide all example you need - https://developer.skype.com/Docs/Skype4COM/Example?action=show
IUserCollection iusercollection = skype.SearchForUsers("echo123");
if (iusercollection.Count > 0)
List of all IUser interface can find at https://developer.skype.com/Docs/Skype4COMLib/IUser
Hope this helps