I read somewhere that functions should always return only one type so the following code is considered as bad code:
def x(foo):
if \'bar\' in foo:
It's not so clear that a function must always return objects of a limited type, or that returning None is wrong. For instance, re.search can return a _sre.SRE_Match
object or a NoneType
import re
# <type '_sre.SRE_Match'>
# <type 'NoneType'>
Designed this way, you can test for a match with the idiom
if match:
# do xyz
If the developers had required re.search to return a _sre.SRE_Match
object, then
the idiom would have to change to
if match.group(1) is None:
# do xyz
There would not be any major gain by requiring re.search to always return a _sre.SRE_Match
So I think how you design the function must depend on the situation and in particular, how you plan to use the function.
Also note that both _sre.SRE_Match
and NoneType
are instances of object, so in a broad sense they are of the same type. So the rule that "functions should always return only one type" is rather meaningless.
Having said that, there is a beautiful simplicity to functions that return objects which all share the same properties. (Duck typing, not static typing, is the python way!) It can allow you to chain together functions: foo(bar(baz))) and know with certainty the type of object you'll receive at the other end.
This can help you check the correctness of your code. By requiring that a function returns only objects of a certain limited type, there are fewer cases to check. "foo always returns an integer, so as long as an integer is expected everywhere I use foo, I'm golden..."