I need to read and write data to/from a text file, but I haven\'t been able to figure out how.
I found this sample code in the Swift\'s iBook, but I still don\'t kno
You may find this tool useful to not only read from file in Swift but also parse your input: https://github.com/shoumikhin/StreamScanner
Just specify the file path and data delimiters like this:
import StreamScanner
if let input = NSFileHandle(forReadingAtPath: "/file/path")
let scanner = StreamScanner(source: input, delimiters: NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: ":\n")) //separate data by colons and newlines
while let field: String = scanner.read()
//use field
Hope, this helps.
To avoid confusion and add ease, I have created two functions for reading and writing strings to files in the documents directory. Here are the functions:
func writeToDocumentsFile(fileName:String,value:String) {
let documentsPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)[0] as! NSString
let path = documentsPath.stringByAppendingPathComponent(fileName)
var error:NSError?
value.writeToFile(path, atomically: true, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: &error)
func readFromDocumentsFile(fileName:String) -> String {
let documentsPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)[0] as! NSString
let path = documentsPath.stringByAppendingPathComponent(fileName)
var checkValidation = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
var error:NSError?
var file:String
if checkValidation.fileExistsAtPath(path) {
file = NSString(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil) as! String
} else {
file = "*ERROR* \(fileName) does not exist."
return file
Here is an example of their use:
writeToDocumentsFile("MyText.txt","Hello world!")
let value = readFromDocumentsFile("MyText.txt")
println(value) //Would output 'Hello world!'
let otherValue = readFromDocumentsFile("SomeText.txt")
println(otherValue) //Would output '*ERROR* SomeText.txt does not exist.'
Hope this helps!
Xcode Version: 6.3.2
For reading and writing you should use a location that is writeable, for example documents directory. The following code shows how to read and write a simple string. You can test it on a playground.
Swift 3.x - 5.x
let file = "file.txt" //this is the file. we will write to and read from it
let text = "some text" //just a text
if let dir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first {
let fileURL = dir.appendingPathComponent(file)
do {
try text.write(to: fileURL, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8)
catch {/* error handling here */}
do {
let text2 = try String(contentsOf: fileURL, encoding: .utf8)
catch {/* error handling here */}
Swift 2.2
let file = "file.txt" //this is the file. we will write to and read from it
let text = "some text" //just a text
if let dir = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.AllDomainsMask, true).first {
let path = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: dir).URLByAppendingPathComponent(file)
do {
try text.writeToURL(path, atomically: false, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
catch {/* error handling here */}
do {
let text2 = try NSString(contentsOfURL: path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
catch {/* error handling here */}
Swift 1.x
let file = "file.txt"
if let dirs : [String] = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.AllDomainsMask, true) as? [String] {
let dir = dirs[0] //documents directory
let path = dir.stringByAppendingPathComponent(file);
let text = "some text"
text.writeToFile(path, atomically: false, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil);
let text2 = String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil)
I want to show you only the first part, that is read. Here's how simply you can read:
Swift 3:
let s = try String(contentsOfFile: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "myFile", ofType: "txt")!)
Swift 2:
let s = try! String(contentsOfFile: NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("myFile", ofType: "txt")!)
This works with Swift 3.1.1 on Linux:
import Foundation
let s = try! String(contentsOfFile: "yo", encoding: .utf8)
Swift 3.x - 5.x
The Best Example is to Create a Local Logfile
with an Extension .txt
that can visible and show in the "Files App"
with current date and Time as a File Name
just add this code in info.plist enable these two features
and this Function Below
var logfileName : String = ""
func getTodayString() -> String{
let date = Date()
let calender = Calendar.current
let components = calender.dateComponents([.year,.month,.day,.hour,.minute,.second], from: date)
let year = components.year
let month = components.month
let day = components.day
let hour = components.hour
let minute = components.minute
let second = components.second
let today_string = String(year!) + "-" + String(month!) + "-" + String(day!) + "-" + String(hour!) + "" + String(minute!) + "" + String(second!)+".txt"
return today_string
func LogCreator(){
logfileName = getTodayString()
print("LogCreator: Logfile Generated Named: \(logfileName)")
let file = logfileName //this is the file. we will write to and read from it
let text = "some text" //just a text
if let dir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first {
let fileURL = dir.appendingPathComponent(file)
let documentPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory,.userDomainMask, true)[0]
print("LogCreator: The Logs are Stored at location \(documentPath)")
do {
try text.write(to: fileURL, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8)
catch {/* error handling here */}
do {
let text2 = try String(contentsOf: fileURL, encoding: .utf8)
print("LogCreator: The Detail log are :-\(text2)")
catch {/* error handling here */}
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/4eg12.png