This is recipe from Stan Wagon's book...use it when built-in Plot behaves erratically due to lack of precision
Options[PrecisePlot] = {PrecisionGoal -> 6};
PrecisePlot[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts___] := Module[{g, pg},
pg = PrecisionGoal /. {opts} /. Options[PrecisePlot];
SetAttributes[g, NumericFunction];
g[z_?InexactNumberQ] := Evaluate[f /. x -> z];
Plot[N[g[SetPrecision[y, \[Infinity]]], pg], {y, a, b},
Evaluate[Sequence @@ FilterRules[{opts}, Options[Plot]]]]];
I often use the following trick from Kristjan Kannike's when I need "dictionary-like" behavior from Mathematica's downvalues
dict_] := (downvalue[[1]] /. HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x) //
value[downvalue_] := downvalue[[-1]];
indices[dict_] :=
Map[#[[1]] /. {HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x} &, DownValues[dict]] //
values[dict_] := Map[#[[-1]] &, DownValues[dict]];
items[dict_] := Map[{index[#, dict], value[#]} &, DownValues[dict]];
indexQ[dict_, index_] :=
If[MatchQ[dict[index], HoldPattern[dict[index]]], False, True];
(* Usage example: *)
(* Count number of times each subexpression occurs in an expression *)
expr = Cos[x + Cos[Cos[x] + Sin[x]]] + Cos[Cos[x] + Sin[x]]
Map[(counts[#] = If[indexQ[counts, #], counts[#] + 1, 1]; #) &, expr, Infinity];
When evaluation results are confusing, sometimes it helps to dump evaluation steps into a text file
SetAttributes[recordSteps, HoldAll];
recordSteps[expr_] :=
Block[{$Output = List@OpenWrite["~/temp/msgStream.m"]},
TracePrint[Unevaluated[expr], _?(FreeQ[#, Off] &),
TraceInternal -> True];
Close /@ $Output;
Cases[ReadList["~/temp/msgStream.m", HoldComplete[Expression]],
symb_Symbol /;
AtomQ@Unevaluated@symb &&
Context@Unevaluated@symb === "System`" :>
HoldComplete@symb, {0, Infinity}, Heads -> True], HoldComplete]
(* Usage example: *)
(* puts steps of evaluation of 1+2+Sin[5]) into ~/temp/msgStream.m *)