I have my asyncTask run when the activity first starts, then if network connectivity is not available then i have a refresh button that tries to run the asyncTask to try aga
@coder_For_Life22 I think am late for the answer ,anyway you can do like
protected void onPostExecute(Void a) {
myAsyncTask=new MyAsyncTask();
in order to start a new AsyncTask after execution :)
You could cancel your asyncTask when you press the button and then execute it again.
Inside OnClic method:
AsyncTask asyncTask = new AsyncTask();
in your MainActivity you can put so this:
LeoAsyncTask leoAsyncTaskGeneric;
public void onClick_AsyncTask(View view) {
LeoAsyncTask leoAsyncTaskInner = new LeoAsyncTask();
/**if you create a space in memory of your AsyncTask class as a generic, then you can create an instance of that same class within the onClick method, and there the equals, so every time you press onClick you will be using a new instance of the Class AsyncTask, it will not give you problems */
Just create another instance and execute it.
Just make a new call like new asyncTask().execute(); You must create a new object to restart that task.
You can do it like this :
private MyAsyncTask createAsyncTask(){
if (myAsyncTask == null){
return myAsyncTask = new MyAsyncTask();
return myAsyncTask = new MyAsyncTask();
and then you can use it :
this make a new instance of your background task everytime.