I am repeatedly applying a function to read and process a bunch of csv files. Each time it runs, the function creates a data frame (this.csv.data
) and uses save
My preference is to avoid the name in the RData file on load:
obj = local(get(load('myfile.RData')))
This way you can load various RData files and name the objects whatever you want, or store them in a list etc.
you can use
Just name the arguments you use. With your code the following works fine:
save(list = this.csv.data$unique_tag, file=saved_file_name)
You really should use saveRDS/readRDS to serialize your objects. save and load are for saving whole environments.
saveRDS(this.csv.data, saved_file_name)
# later
mydata <- readRDS(saved_file_name)
This worked for me:
env <- new.env()
env[[varname]] <- object_to_save
save(list=c(varname), envir=env, file='out.Rda')
You could probably do it without a new env (but I didn't try this):
.GlobalEnv[[varname]] <- object_to_save
save(list=c(varname), envir=.GlobalEnv, file='out.Rda')
You might even be able to remove the envir