The method hashCode() in class Enum is final and defined as super.hashCode(), which means it returns a number based on the address of the instance, which is a random number
One more reason that it is implemented like this I could imagine is because of the requirement for hashCode() and equals() to be consistent, and for the design goal of Enums that they sould be simple to use and compile-time constant (to use them is "case" constants). This also makes it legal to compare enum instances with "==", and you simply wouldn't want "equals" to behave differntly from "==" for enums. This again ties hashCode to the default Object.hashCode() reference-based behavior. As said before, I also don't expect equals() and hashCode() to consider two enum constants from different JVM as being equal. When talking about serialization: For instance fields typed as enums the default binary serializer in Java has a special behaviour that serializess only the name of the constant, and on deserialization the reference to the corresponding enum value in the de-serializing JVM is re-created. JAXB and other XML-based serialization mechanisms work in a similar way. So: just don't worry