How do you set a value to null with org.json.JSONObject in java? I can certainly read if a value is null by using isNull - but it seems like when I put null, it just ignores
Try to set JSONObject.NULL instead of null
A sentinel value used to explicitly define a name with no value. Unlike null, names with this value:
- show up in the names() array
- show up in the keys() iterator
- return true for has(String)
- do not throw on get(String)
- are included in the encoded JSON string.
This value violates the general contract of equals(Object) by returning true when compared to null. Its toString() method returns "null".
For me with net.sf.json.JSONObject I need to create a null JSON
new JSONObject(true)
This is how I get class into groovy:
groovy.grape.Grape.grab(group: "org.kohsuke.stapler", module: "json-lib", version: "2.4-jenkins-2")