I\'m building an app with angular+ionic that uses a classic three-button menu at the bottom with three ion-tabs in it. When a user clicks a tab, that template opens through
This is probably what you were looking for:
Ionic caches your views and thus your controllers by default (max of 10) http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/directive/ionView/
There are events you can hook onto to let your controller do certain things based on those ionic events. see here for an example: http://ionicframework.com/blog/navigating-the-changes/
If you have assigned a certain controller to your view, then your controller will be invoked every time your view loads. In that case, you can execute some code in your controller as soon as it is invoked, for example this way:
<ion-nav-view ng-controller="indexController" name="other" ng-init="doSomething()"></ion-nav-view>
And in your controller:
app.controller('indexController', function($scope) {
Write some code directly over here without any function,
and it will be executed every time your view loads.
Something like this:
$scope.xyz = 1;
Edit: You might try to track state changes and then execute some code when the route is changed and a certain route is visited, for example:
function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){ ... })
You can find more details here: State Change Events.
Following up on the answer and link from AlexMart, something like this works:
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function() {
// Code you want executed every time view is opened
By default, your controllers were cache and that is why your controller only fired once. To turn off caching for a certain controller you have to modify your .config(..).state
and set the cache
option to false
. eg :
.state('myApp', {
cache: false,
url: "/form",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "templates/form.html",
controller: 'formCtrl'
for further reading please visit http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/directive/ionNavView/
I faced at the same problem, and here i leave the reason of this behavior for everyone else with the same issue.
View LifeCycle
In order to improve performance, we've improved Ionic's ability to cache view elements and scope data. Once a controller is initialized, it may persist throughout the app’s life; it’s just hidden and removed from the watch cycle. Since we aren’t rebuilding scope, we’ve added events for which we should listen when entering the watch cycle again.
To see full description and $ionicView events go to: http://ionicframework.com/blog/navigating-the-changes/
Why don't you disable the view cache with cache-view="false"?
In your view add this to the ion-nav-view like that:
<ion-nav-view name="other" cache-view="false"></ion-nav-view>
Or in your stateProvider:
$stateProvider.state('other', {
cache: false,
url : '/other',
templateUrl : 'templates/other/other.html'
Either one will make your controller being called always.