I know that embedding CSS styles directly into the HTML tags they affect defeats much of the purpose of CSS, but sometimes it\'s useful for debugging purposes, as in:
<I'm afraid it can't be done, the pseudo-class selectors can't be set in-line, you'll have to do it on the page or on a stylesheet.
I should mention that technically you should be able to do it according to the CSS spec, but most browsers don't support it
Edit: I just did a quick test with this:
<a href="test.html" style="{color: blue; background: white}
:visited {color: green}
:hover {background: yellow}
:visited:hover {color: purple}">Test</a>
And it doesn't work in IE7, IE8 beta 2, Firefox or Chrome. Can anyone else test in any other browsers?
If that <p>
tag is created from JavaScript, then you do have another option: use JSS to programmatically insert stylesheets into the document head. It does support '&:hover'
. https://cssinjs.org/
A simple solution:
<a href="#" onmouseover="this.style.color='orange';" onmouseout="this.style.color='';">My Link</a>
/** Change the style **/
function overStyle(object){
object.style.color = 'orange';
// Change some other properties ...
/** Restores the style **/
function outStyle(object){
object.style.color = 'orange';
// Restore the rest ...
<a href="#" onmouseover="overStyle(this)" onmouseout="outStyle(this)">My Link</a>
If you are only debugging, you might use javascript to modify the css:
<a onmouseover="this.style.textDecoration='underline';"
I put together a quick solution for anyone wanting to create hover popups without CSS using the onmouseover and onmouseout behaviors.
<div style="position:relative;width:100px;background:#ddffdd;overflow:hidden;" onmouseover="this.style.overflow='';" onmouseout="this.style.overflow='hidden';">first hover<div style="width:100px;position:absolute;top:5px;left:110px;background:white;border:1px solid gray;">stuff inside</div></div>
If it's for debugging, just add a css class for hovering (since elements can have more than one class):
<a href="http://example.com" class="foo bar hovertest">blah</a>