I\'m looking for one of either 2 things
1 - A working example of code using Florian\'s library from: http://www.florian-leitner.de/index.php/2007/08/03/hid-usb-drive
The library you mention is now hosted on google see http://code.google.com/p/csharp-usb-hid-driver/
Perhaps these are helpful too:
In Florian's project, take a look at TestFixture.cs. It's his unit test, but in it you'll see an example use of his code. You'll need to send a command to your device before you'll receive a message back.
I would recommend http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/USB_HID.aspx from the links above. I also had trouble with Florian's driver. The Code Project driver worked for me. If you use the Code Project driver there are small modifications which you need to make if you are using a Windows 7 x64 project. They are hidden in the page's comment section.