Before I implement something similar for the iPhone, I\'m wondering if anyone has implemented something similar of the UIPopOverController for the iPhone. T
See my implementation here:
It has the same interface as the UIPopoverController but is generalized for iPhone and with support for custom background views.
Found another git. Looks more updated and actively maintained. it uses QuantzCore to draw the popover, which looks as elegant as iOS's SDK native. Just for your reference:
I have provided another alternative SGPopoverController at Like the WEPopover, this has a similar interface to UIPovoerController but works on the iPhone. This version handles more corner cases, works both modally and non-modally, supports passthrough views, and more.
Create UIPopover+iPhone.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface UIPopoverController (overrides)
+ (BOOL)_popoversDisabled;
Basically the best way to do this is to implement custom UIAlertView subclasses that look/behave how you want, via custom animations and being able to click behind and disappear (if you want that functionality, as UIPopoverController has it)
Edit: you can also try using a view and presenting it modally, though the animations might not be what you are looking for.
There's a reason UIPopoverController isn't a standard UI element on the iPhone, is that screen space is rather restricted. Having a popover, that's easily readable, implies that a fair amount of the iPhone screen will be taken up by the popover. Perhaps you should rethink your UI decision.
Maybe a coverVertical modal view?