I\'m using nasm to compile the following assembly. However the code crashes in the console under Windows.
C:\\>nasm -f win32 test.asm -o test.o
The biggest problem is that you are trying to use Linux interupts on windows! int 80 will NOT work on windows.
We are using Assembly, so your entry point can be ANY label you want. The standard entry point that ld looks for is _start, if you want to use another label, you need to tell ld with the -e option So if you want your start label to be main, then you need
global main
ld -e main test.o -o test.exe
If you are going to use NASM on Windows, I will recommend using GoLink as your linker. Here is a simple windows console app:
NULL equ 0
global GobleyGook
extern ExitProcess, GetStdHandle, WriteConsoleA
section .data
msg db "Hello World!", 13, 10, 0
msg.len equ $ - msg
section .bss
dummy resd 1
section .text
call GetStdHandle
push NULL
push dummy
push msg.len
push msg
push eax
call WriteConsoleA
push NULL
call ExitProcess
hello: hello.obj
GoLink.exe /console /entry GobleyGook hello.obj kernel32.dll
hello.obj: hello.asm
nasm -f win32 hello.asm -o hello.obj
Although, this same program probably will run in WINE on Linux like a charm. :)
WINE doesn't prevent using Linux system calls from inside Windows PE binaries; the machine instructions run natively and WINE only provides DLL functions.