EF 4.3 Auto-Migrations with multiple DbContexts in one database

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梦谈多话 2020-12-01 01:20

I\'m trying to use EF 4.3 migrations with multiple code-first DbContexts. My application is separated into several plugins, which possibly have their own DbContext regarding

  • 2020-12-01 02:19

    Code First Migrations assumes that there is only one migrations configuration per database (and one context per configuration).

    I can think of two possible solutions:

    1. Create an aggregate context that includes all the entities of each context and reference this "super" context from your migrations configuration class. This way all the tables will be created in the user's database, but data will only be in the ones that they've installed plugins for.

    2. Use separate databases for each context. If you have shared entities between the contexts, add a custom migration and replace the CreateTable(...) call with a Sql("CREATE VIEW ...") call to get the data from the entity's "originating" database.

    I would try #1 since it keeps everything in a single database. You could create a seperate project in your solution to contain your migrations and this "super" context. Just add the project, reference all of your plugins' projects, create a context that includes all of the entities, then call Enable-Migrations on this new project. Things should work as expected after that.

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  • 2020-12-01 02:20

    I have a working site with multiple contexts using migrations. However, you do need to use a separate database per context, and it's all driven off of a *Configuration class in the Migrations namespace of your project, so for example CompanyDbContext points to Company.sdf using CompanyConfiguration. update-database -configurationtypename CompanyConfiguration. Another LogDbContext points to Log.sdf using LogConfiguration, etc.

    Given this works, have you tried creating 2 contexts pointing at the same database and telling the modelbuilder to ignore the other context's list of tables?

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        // more of these

    Since the migrations work with the ModelBuilder, this might do the job.

    The crappy alternative is to avoid using Automatic Migrations, generate a migration each time and then manually sift through and remove unwanted statements, then run them, although there's nothing stopping you from creating a simple tool that looks at the Contexts and generated statements and does the migration fixups for you.

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  • 2020-12-01 02:27

    I just came across this problem and realised the reason I had split them into different contexts was purely to have grouping of related models in manageable chunks and not for any other technical reason. Instead I have declared my context as a partial class and now different code files with different models in them can add DbSets to the DbContext.

    This way the automigration magic still works.

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