I\'m using jQuery file upload for AJAX-based uploads. It always starts uploading after a file is selected. Is it possible to change the behavior to use the \"submit\"-button
if you have the button
<button id="up_btn">Upload</button>
You can try with
dataType: 'json',
add: function (e, data) {
$("#up_btn").off('click').on('click', function () {
EDIT: according to comments a better answer considere off
to avoid duplicated requests. (also work unbind
, I do not check if is bind
and unbind
but jquery team recommend on
and off
link since 1.7)
None of these answers will work for multiple file uploads. My case involved allowing multiple attachments in a comment thread. So I needed to save the comment first to get the id, and then upload and save all the attachments. This seems like a trivial thing, but with this plugin its not that intuitive. My solution uses custom events in jQuery, and works great.
The currently accepted answer binds to the click event of a button in the 'add' callback, but the 'add' callback is called once for each file. If you unbind all the events each time only the last file will upload.
dataType: 'json',
add: function (e, data) {
$("#up_btn").on('customName', function (e) {
By binding the submit button to a custom name, we can do whatever preprocessing we want before submitting the images. In my case it involved submitting the comment and getting back the comment id which I did in a separate call. This code just responds to the click, but you can do whatever you want before triggering the event.
$("#up_btn").on('click', function (e) {
$("#up_btn").trigger( "customName");
You can pass any data you want when you trigger the event, so it really gives you complete control over your form.