Which types to use in order to accomplish this in Java?
The short answer is a long
. Now, more on how to measure...
The "traditional" way to do this is indeed to use System.currentTimeMillis():
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// ... do something ...
long estimatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
Note that Commons Lang has a StopWatch class that can be used to measure execution time in milliseconds. It has methods methods like split(), suspend(), resume(), etc that allow to take measure at different points of the execution and that you may find convenient. Have a look at it.
You may prefer to use System.nanoTime() if you are looking for extremely precise measurements of elapsed time. From its javadoc:
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
// ... the code being measured ...
long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
Another option would be to use JAMon, a tool that gathers statistics (execution time, number of hit, average execution time, min, max, etc) for any code that comes between start() and stop() methods. Below, a very simple example:
import com.jamonapi.*;
Monitor mon=MonitorFactory.start("myFirstMonitor");
...Code Being Timed...
Check out this article on www.javaperformancetunning.com for a nice introduction.
Using AOP
Finally, if you don't want to clutter your code with these measurement (or if you can't change existing code), then AOP would be a perfect weapon. I'm not going to discuss this very deeply but I wanted at least to mention it.
Below, a very simple aspect using AspectJ and JAMon (here, the short name of the pointcut will be used for the JAMon monitor, hence the call to thisJoinPoint.toShortString()
public aspect MonitorAspect {
pointcut monitor() : execution(* *.ClassToMonitor.methodToMonitor(..));
Object arround() : monitor() {
Monitor monitor = MonitorFactory.start(thisJoinPoint.toShortString());
Object returnedObject = proceed();
return returnedObject;
The pointcut definition could be easily adapted to monitor any method based on the class name, the package name, the method name, or any combination of these. Measurement is really a perfect use case for AOP.