I am trying to retrieve one element from a mongo collection, the one with the greatest _id field. I know this can be done by querying:
You can get max _id using aggregation of mongodb. Find and sort may overkill's.
$group: {
_id: '',
last: {
$max: "$_id"
with PHP driver (mongodb)
using findOne()
$options = ['sort' => ['_id' => -1]]; // -1 is for DESC
$result = $collection->findOne(filter, $options);
$maxAge = $result['age']
import pymongo
tonystark = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
mydb = tonystark["tonystark_db"]
savings = mydb["customers"]
x = savings.find().sort("_id")
for s in x:
$Cursor =$collection->find();
foreach($cursor as $document) {
$maxid =max($arr=(array($document['id'])));
You should use find
, like you already are, and not aggregation which will be slower since it needs to scan all the values of _id fields to figure out the max.
As comments pointed out there is no difference between using find() and findOne() - functionally or elegance-wise. In fact, findOne
in the shell (and in the drivers which implement it) is defined in terms of find (with limit -1 and with pretty print in the shell).
If you really want to do the equivalent of
as findOne
you can do it with this syntax: