Is there an easy way in C# to read a properties file that has each property on a separate line followed by an equals sign and the value, such as the following:
I've written a method that allows emty lines, outcommenting and quoting within the file.
;var4=outcommented, too
Here's the method:
public static IDictionary ReadDictionaryFile(string fileName)
Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(fileName))
if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) &&
(!line.StartsWith(";")) &&
(!line.StartsWith("#")) &&
(!line.StartsWith("'")) &&
int index = line.IndexOf('=');
string key = line.Substring(0, index).Trim();
string value = line.Substring(index + 1).Trim();
if ((value.StartsWith("\"") && value.EndsWith("\"")) ||
(value.StartsWith("'") && value.EndsWith("'")))
value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
dictionary.Add(key, value);
return dictionary;