We have a project that is stored within our TFS server and some files were Checked-Out by me from another computer and another user (both of which are not used anymore). Is
I was able to undo another user's checkout with the following command:
tf undo {file path} /workspace:{workspace};{username}
You'll need to wrap that semicolon in double-quotes if you're running the command from PowerShell. We're running TFS 2010 (and VS 2010).
Disclaimer: I got this from the FCI-H blog at http://fci-h.blogspot.com/2011/01/how-to-force-undo-checkout-tfs.html
Team Foundation Sidekicks has a Status sidekick that allows you to query for checked out work items. Once a work item is selected, click the "Undo lock" buttons on the toolbar.
Keep in mind that you will need the appropriate rights. The permissions are called "Undo other users' changes" and "Unlock other users' changes". These permissions can be viewed by:
Disclaimer: this answer is an edited repost of Brett Roger's answer to a similar question.
(Note: I have the TFS Power Tools installed so if you don't see the described options you may need to install them. http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/b1ef7eb2-e084-4cb8-9bc7-06c3bad9148f )
If you are accessing the Source Control Explorer as a team project administrator (or at least someone with the "Undo other users' changes" access right) you can do the following in Visual Studio 2012 to clear a lock and checkout.
The file is now unlocked.
Team Foundation Sidekicks worked fine for me.
The file didn't unlock so I did a undo on pending changes and after that I could delete the file.
Based on stackptr answer I've created batch file UnlockOther.bat
@rem from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3451637/how-to-unlock-a-file-from-someone-else-in-team-foundation-server
@rem tf undo {file path} /workspace:{workspace};{username
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
@echo on
tf undo $/MyTfsProject/path/fileName.ext /workspace:CollegeMachine;CollegueName /login:MyLogin
Use the unlock command that comes with TFS
Type the following command and replace the arguments with the appropriate parameter information for your needs:
tf lock /lock:none $/MyTeamProject/web.config
tf lock itemspec /lock:(none|checkout|checkin)
[/workspace:workspacename] [/recursive] [/login:username,[password]] [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]
From MSDN.