I need to know the bundle identifiers for apple applications, such as mail, contacts, safari, photos, game center, settings, calendar, iPod, App store, camera, ... After sea
some more tested on iOS7
Apple Maps: com.apple.Maps
Notes: com.apple.mobilenotes
Reminders: com.apple.reminders
Videos: com.apple.videos
Passbook: com.apple.Passbook
Calculator: com.apple.calculator
Music: com.apple.Music
These are from iPhone 4S iOS 5.0.1
Camera: com.apple.camera
AppStore: com.apple.AppStore
Contacts: com.apple.MobileAddressBook
Mail: com.apple.mobilemail
GameCenter: com.apple.gamecenter
MobileSafari: com.apple.mobilesafari
Preferences: com.apple.Preferences
iPod: com.apple.mobileipod
Photos: com.apple.mobileslideshow
Calendar: com.apple.mobilecal
Clock: com.apple.mobiletimer
This is the verified list as of iOS 9.3:
App Store - com.apple.AppStore
Calculator - com.apple.calculator
Calendar - com.apple.mobilecal
Camera - com.apple.camera
Clock - com.apple.mobiletimer
Compass - com.apple.compass
Contacts - com.apple.MobileAddressBook
FaceTime - com.apple.facetime
Find Friends - com.apple.mobileme.fmf1
Find iPhone - com.apple.mobileme.fmip1
Game Center - com.apple.gamecenter
Health - com.apple.Health
iBooks - com.apple.iBooks
iTunes Store - com.apple.MobileStore
Mail - com.apple.mobilemail
Maps - com.apple.Maps
Messages - com.apple.MobileSMS
Music - com.apple.Music
News - com.apple.news
Notes - com.apple.mobilenotes
Phone - com.apple.mobilephone
Photos - com.apple.mobileslideshow
Podcasts - com.apple.podcasts
Reminders - com.apple.reminders
Safari - com.apple.mobilesafari
Settings - com.apple.Preferences
Stocks - com.apple.stocks
Tips - com.apple.tips
Videos - com.apple.videos
Voice Memos - com.apple.VoiceMemos
Wallet - com.apple.Passbook
Watch - com.apple.Bridge
Weather - com.apple.weather
The complete, up-to-date list is available here: http://labs.wrprojects.com/apple-ios-9-3-native-app-bundle-identifiers/
Here is what I was able to find on the subject, although I won't claim that all of these will be 100% accurate considering how many different sources I pulled these from (and some of them didn't seem very credible) but either way this is what I found... Good luck!
com.apple.calendar(com.apple.caldav or com.apple.ical)
com.apple.mail(or com.apple.mobilemail not completely sure)
This is the verified list as of iOS 9.3:
App Store - com.apple.AppStore
Calculator - com.apple.calculator
Calendar - com.apple.mobilecal
Camera - com.apple.camera
Clock - com.apple.mobiletimer
Compass - com.apple.compass
Contacts - com.apple.MobileAddressBook
FaceTime - com.apple.facetime
Find Friends - com.apple.mobileme.fmf1
Find iPhone - com.apple.mobileme.fmip1
Game Center - com.apple.gamecenter
Health - com.apple.Health
iBooks - com.apple.iBooks
iTunes Store - com.apple.MobileStore
Mail - com.apple.mobilemail
Maps - com.apple.Maps
Messages - com.apple.MobileSMS
Music - com.apple.Music
News - com.apple.news
Notes - com.apple.mobilenotes
Phone - com.apple.mobilephone
Photos - com.apple.mobileslideshow
Podcasts - com.apple.podcasts
Reminders - com.apple.reminders
Safari - com.apple.mobilesafari
Settings - com.apple.Preferences
Stocks - com.apple.stocks
Tips - com.apple.tips
Videos - com.apple.videos
Voice Memos - com.apple.VoiceMemos
Wallet - com.apple.Passbook
Watch - com.apple.Bridge
Weather - com.apple.weather
The complete, up-to-date list is available here:
If you're looking for a bundle identifier of a process on the simulator you can use xcrun simctl spawn booted launchctl print system
which will print the complete list of active bundle identifiers. It's a bit broad but it can be very useful to make an educated guess.