I would like to get a list of only the staged filenames. I can\'t find the equivalent flag for --name-only
for the git status
command. What is a go
Use git diff --name-only
(with --cached
to get the staged files)
to view staged files with code changes
git diff --staged
or using --cached which is synonym for --staged
git diff --cached
or to view only file names without code changes
git diff --staged --name-only
git-diff manual
The accepted answer won't let you know what kind of changes were there.
Yes, If you are not syntax checker but an ordinary person with a repository full of unstaged files, and you still want to know what will happen to staged files - there is another command:
git status --short | grep '^[MARCD]'
which leads to something like:
M dir/modified_file
A dir/new_file
R dir/renamed -> dir/renamed_to
C dir/copied_file
D dir/deleted_file
Obviously, this files were staged, and after git commit
will be deleted,
will be added,
will become a renamed_to
Here is an explanation of short-format output: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-status#_short_format
Inspired by @coffman21's answer I have setup the following alias in my .zshrc
alias gst="git status"
alias gst-staged="git status --short | grep '^\w.'"
alias gst-unstaged="git status --short | grep '^\W.'"
alias gst-unstaged-tracked="git status --short | grep '^\s.'"
alias gst-untracked="git status --short | grep '^??'"
It might be of use to anyone else. So adding it to the stack of answers.