I want to output multiple lines of text using one renderText()
command. However, this does not seem possible. For example, from the shiny tutorial we have trunc
You can use renderUI
and htmlOutput
instead of renderText
and textOutput
runApp(list(ui = pageWithSidebar(
helpText("Create demographic maps with
information from the 2010 US Census."),
label = "Choose a variable to display",
choices = c("Percent White", "Percent Black",
"Percent Hispanic", "Percent Asian"),
selected = "Percent White"),
label = "Range of interest:",
min = 0, max = 100, value = c(0, 100))
server = function(input, output) {
output$text1 <- renderText({paste("You have selected", input$var)})
output$text2 <- renderText({paste("You have chosen a range that goes from",
input$range[1], "to", input$range[2])})
output$text <- renderUI({
str1 <- paste("You have selected", input$var)
str2 <- paste("You have chosen a range that goes from",
input$range[1], "to", input$range[2])
HTML(paste(str1, str2, sep = '<br/>'))
Note you need to use <br/>
as a line break. Also the text you wish to display needs to be HTML escaped so use the HTML
If you mean that you don't care for the line break:
output$text = renderText({
paste("You have selected ", input$var, ". You have chosen a range that goes
from", input$range[1], "to", input$range[2], ".")
According to Joe Cheng:
Uhhh I don't recommend using
[in the way that is explained in the other answer]. You are taking text that is fundamentally text, and coercing to HTML without escaping (meaning if the text just happens to include a string that contains special HTML characters, it could be parsed incorrectly).How about this instead:
tags$style(type="text/css", "#foo {white-space: pre-wrap;}")
(Replace the foo in #foo with the ID of your textOutput)