Is there a standard function to check for null, undefined, or blank variables in JavaScript?

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眼角桃花 2020-11-21 23:37

Is there a universal JavaScript function that checks that a variable has a value and ensures that it\'s not undefined or null? I\'ve got this code,

  • 2020-11-22 00:11

    A solution I like a lot:

    Let's define that a blank variable is null, or undefined, or if it has length, it is zero, or if it is an object, it has no keys:

    function isEmpty (value) {
      return (
        // null or undefined
        (value == null) ||
        // has length and it's zero
        (value.hasOwnProperty('length') && value.length === 0) ||
        // is an Object and has no keys
        (value.constructor === Object && Object.keys(value).length === 0)


    • true: undefined, null, "", [], {}
    • false: true, false, 1, 0, -1, "foo", [1, 2, 3], { foo: 1 }
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 00:15

    Here's mine - returns true if value is null, undefined, etc or blank (ie contains only blank spaces):

    function stringIsEmpty(value) {
        return value ? value.trim().length == 0 : true;
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  • 2020-11-22 00:15
    function isEmpty(val){
        return !val;

    but this solution is over-engineered, if you dont'want to modify the function later for busines-model needings, then is cleaner to use it directly in code:

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 00:15

    For everyone coming here for having similar question, the following works great and I have it in my library the last years:

    (function(g3, $, window, document, undefined){
       g3.utils = g3.utils || {};
    /********************************Function type()********************************
    * Returns a lowercase string representation of an object's constructor.
    * @module {g3.utils}
    * @function {g3.utils.type}
    * @public
    * @param {Type} 'obj' is any type native, host or custom.
    * @return {String} Returns a lowercase string representing the object's 
    * constructor which is different from word 'object' if they are not custom.
    * @reference
    g3.utils.type = function (obj){
       if(obj === null)
          return 'null';
       else if(typeof obj === 'undefined')
          return 'undefined';
    }(window.g3 = window.g3 || {}, jQuery, window, document));
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 00:16

    If the variable hasn't been declared, you wont be able to test for undefined using a function because you will get an error.

    if (foo) {}
    function (bar) {}(foo)

    Both will generate an error if foo has not been declared.

    If you want to test if a variable has been declared you can use

    typeof foo != "undefined"

    if you want to test if foo has been declared and it has a value you can use

    if (typeof foo != "undefined" && foo) {
        //code here
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  • 2020-11-22 00:16

    It may be usefull.

    All values in array represent what you want to be (null, undefined or another things) and you search what you want in it.

    var variablesWhatILookFor = [null, undefined, ''];
    variablesWhatILookFor.indexOf(document.DocumentNumberLabel) > -1
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