I want to install Tensorflow 1.o for python on windows.
This is information for my system.
D:\\>python --version
Python 3.5.2 ::
Tensorflow requires a 64-bit version of Python.
Additionally, it only supports Python 3.5.x through Python 3.8.x.
If you're using a 32-bit version of Python or a version that's too old or new, then you'll get that error message.
To fix it, you can install the 64-bit version of Python 3.8.6 via Python's website.
I was getting the same error
It worked for me
i had python 3.8.5 ..but it will not work with tenserflow..
so i installed python 3.7.9 and it worked.
I did it with:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade tensorflow
The TensorFlow package couldn't be found by the latest version of the "pip".
To be honest, I really don't know why this is...
but, the quick fix that worked out for me was:
[In case you are using a virtual environment]
downgrade the virtual environment to python-3.8.x and pip-20.2.x
In case of anaconda, try:
conda install python=3.8
This should install the latest version of python-3.8 and pip-20.2.x for you.
And then, try
pip install tensorflow
Again, this worked fine for me, not sure if it'll work the same for you.
From your python version output, looks like that you are using Anaconda python, in that case, there is a simple way to install tensorflow.
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
This command will take care of all dependencies like upgrade/downgrade etc.