Create Log File in Powershell

前端 未结 8 2110
半阙折子戏 2020-11-30 22:11

I have the below code and currently it loads all the information on screen. I want it to log to a log file on D:\\Apps\\Logs.

The log file needs to have the name of

  • 2020-11-30 22:42

    A function that takes these principles a little further.

    1. Add's timestamps - can't have a log without timestamps.
    2. Add's a level (uses INFO by default) meaning you can highlight big issues.
    3. Allows for optional console output. If you don't set a log destination, it simply pumps it out.

      Function Write-Log {
          $Level = "INFO",
          $Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
          $Line = "$Stamp $Level $Message"
          If($logfile) {
              Add-Content $logfile -Value $Line
          Else {
              Write-Output $Line
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 22:44

    I believe this is the simplest way of putting all what it is on the screen into a file. It is a native PS CmdLet so you don't have to change anything in yout script

    Start-Transcript -Path Computer.log
    Write-Host "everything will end up in Computer.log"
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 22:47

    Put this at the top of your file:

    $Logfile = "D:\Apps\Logs\$(gc env:computername).log"
    Function LogWrite
       Param ([string]$logstring)
       Add-content $Logfile -value $logstring

    Then replace your Write-host calls with LogWrite.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 22:51

    Using this Log-Entry framework:


    Function Main {
        Log -File "D:\Apps\Logs\$Env:computername.log"
        $tcp = (get-childitem c:\windows\system32\drivers\tcpip.sys).Versioninfo.ProductVersionRaw
        $dfs = (get-childitem C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\dfsvc.exe).Versioninfo.ProductVersionRaw
        Log "TCPIP.sys Version on $computer is:" $tcp
        Log "DFSVC.exe Version on $computer is:" $dfs
        If (get-wmiobject win32_share | where-object {$_.Name -eq "REMINST"}) {Log "The REMINST share exists on $computer"}
        Else {Log "The REMINST share DOES NOT exist on $computer - Please create as per standards"}
        "KB2450944", "KB3150513", "KB3176935" | ForEach {
            $hotfix = Get-HotFix -Id $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            If ($hotfix) {Log -Color Green Hotfix $_ is installed}
            Else {Log -Color Red Hotfix $_ " is NOT installed - Please ensure you install this hotfix"}

    Screen output:

    Log File (at D:\Apps\Logs\<computername>.log):

    2017-05-31  Write-Log (version: 01.00.02, PowerShell version: 5.1.14393.1198)
    19:19:29.00 C:\Users\User\PowerShell\Write-Log\Check.ps1 
    19:19:29.47 TCPIP.sys Version on  is: {Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 14393, Revision: 1066, MajorRevision: 0, MinorRevision: 1066}
    19:19:29.50 DFSVC.exe Version on  is: {Major: 2, Minor: 0, Build: 50727, Revision: 8745, MajorRevision: 0, MinorRevision: 8745}
    19:19:29.60 The REMINST share DOES NOT exist on  - Please create as per standards
    Error at 25,13: Cannot find the requested hotfix on the 'localhost' computer. Verify the input and run the command again.
    19:19:33.41 Hotfix KB2450944 is NOT installed - Please ensure you install this hotfix
    19:19:37.03 Hotfix KB3150513 is installed
    19:19:40.77 Hotfix KB3176935 is installed
    19:19:40.77 End
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 22:55

    I've been playing with this code for a while now and I have something that works well for me. Log files are numbered with leading '0' but retain their file extension. And I know everyone likes to make functions for everything but I started to remove functions that performed 1 simple task. Why use many word when few do trick? Will likely remove other functions and perhaps create functions out of other blocks. I keep the logger script in a central share and make a local copy if it has changed, or load it from the central location if needed.

    First I import the logger:

    #Change directory to the script root
    cd $PSScriptRoot
    #Make a local copy if changed then Import logger
    if(test-path "D:\Scripts\logger.ps1"){
        if (Test-Path "\\<server>\share\DCS\Scripts\logger.ps1") {
            if((Get-FileHash "\\<server>\share\DCS\Scripts\logger.ps1").Hash -ne (Get-FileHash "D:\Scripts\logger.ps1").Hash){
                rename-Item -path "..\logger.ps1" -newname "logger$(Get-Date -format '').ps1" -force
                Copy-Item "\\<server>\share\DCS\Scripts\logger.ps1" -destination "..\" -Force 
        Copy-Item "\\<server>\share\DCS\Scripts\logger.ps1" -destination "..\" -Force
    . "..\logger.ps1"

    Define the log file:

    $logfile = (get-location).path + "\Log\" + $QProfile.replace(" ","_") + "-$metricEnv-$ScriptName.log"

    What I log depends on debug levels that I created:

    if ($Debug -ge 1){
        $message = "<$pid>Debug:$Debug`-Adding tag `"MetricClass:temp`" to $host_name`:$metric_name"
        Write-Log $message $logfile "DEBUG"

    I would probably consider myself a bit of a "hack" when it comes to coding so this might not be the prettiest but here is my version of logger.ps1:

    # all logging settins are here on top
            [string]$logFile = "$(gc env:computername).log",
            [string]$logLevel = "DEBUG", # ("DEBUG","INFO","WARN","ERROR","FATAL")
            [int64]$logSize = 10mb,
            [int]$logCount = 25
    # end of settings
    function Write-Log-Line ($line, $logFile) {
        $logFile | %{ 
               If (Test-Path -Path $_) { Get-Item $_ } 
               Else { New-Item -Path $_ -Force } 
        } | Add-Content -Value $Line -erroraction SilentlyCOntinue
    function Roll-logFile
        #function checks to see if file in question is larger than the paramater specified if it is it will roll a log and delete the oldes log if there are more than x logs.
            [string]$fileName = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")+".log", 
            [int64]$maxSize = $logSize, 
            [int]$maxCount = $logCount
        $logRollStatus = $true
        if(test-path $filename) {
            $file = Get-ChildItem $filename
            # Start the log-roll if the file is big enough
            #Write-Log-Line "$Stamp INFO Log file size is $($file.length), max size $maxSize" $logFile
            #Write-Host "$Stamp INFO Log file size is $('{0:N0}' -f $file.length), max size $('{0:N0}' -f $maxSize)"
            if($file.length -ge $maxSize) {
                Write-Log-Line "$Stamp INFO Log file size $('{0:N0}' -f $file.length) is larger than max size $('{0:N0}' -f $maxSize). Rolling log file!" $logFile
                #Write-Host "$Stamp INFO Log file size $('{0:N0}' -f $file.length) is larger than max size $('{0:N0}' -f $maxSize). Rolling log file!"
                $fileDir = $file.Directory
                $fbase = $file.BaseName
                $fext = $file.Extension
                $fn = $ #this gets the name of the file we started with
                function refresh-log-files {
                     Get-ChildItem $filedir | ?{ $_.Extension -match "$fext" -and $ -like "$fbase*"} | Sort-Object lastwritetime
                function fileByIndex($index) {
                    $fileByIndex = $files | ?{($_.Name).split("-")[-1].trim("$fext") -eq $($index | % tostring 00)}
                    #Write-Log-Line "LOGGER: fileByIndex = $fileByIndex" $logFile
                function getNumberOfFile($theFile) {
                    $NumberOfFile = $theFile.Name.split("-")[-1].trim("$fext")
                    if ($NumberOfFile -match '[a-z]'){
                        $NumberOfFile = "01"
                    #Write-Log-Line "LOGGER: GetNumberOfFile = $NumberOfFile" $logFile
                refresh-log-files | %{
                    [int32]$num = getNumberOfFile $_
                    Write-Log-Line "LOGGER: checking log file number $num" $logFile
                    if ([int32]$($num | % tostring 00) -ge $maxCount) {
                        write-host "Deleting files above log max count $maxCount : $_"
                        Write-Log-Line "LOGGER: Deleting files above log max count $maxCount : $_" $logFile
                        Remove-Item $_.fullName
                $files = @(refresh-log-files)
                # Now there should be at most $maxCount files, and the highest number is one less than count, unless there are badly named files, eg non-numbers
                for ($i = $files.count; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
                    $newfilename = "$fbase-$($i | % tostring 00)$fext"
                    #$newfilename = getFileNameByNumber ($i | % tostring 00) 
                    if($i -gt 1) {
                        $fileToMove = fileByIndex($i-1)
                    } else {
                        $fileToMove = $file
                    if (Test-Path $fileToMove.PSPath) { # If there are holes in sequence, file by index might not exist. The 'hole' will shift to next number, as files below hole are moved to fill it
                        write-host "moving '$fileToMove' => '$newfilename'"
                        #Write-Log-Line "LOGGER: moving $fileToMove => $newfilename" $logFile
                        # $fileToMove is a System.IO.FileInfo, but $newfilename is a string. Move-Item takes a string, so we need full path
                        Move-Item ($fileToMove.FullName) -Destination $fileDir\$newfilename -Force
            } else {
                $logRollStatus = $false
        } else {
            $logrollStatus = $false
    Function Write-Log {
        $logFile = "log-$(gc env:computername).log",
        $Level = "INFO"
        #Write-Host $logFile
        $levels = ("DEBUG","INFO","WARN","ERROR","FATAL")
        $logLevelPos = [array]::IndexOf($levels, $logLevel)
        $levelPos = [array]::IndexOf($levels, $Level)
        $Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:fff")
        # First roll the log if needed to null to avoid output
        $Null = @(
            Roll-logFile -fileName $logFile -filesize $logSize -logcount $logCount
        if ($logLevelPos -lt 0){
            Write-Log-Line "$Stamp ERROR Wrong logLevel configuration [$logLevel]" $logFile
        if ($levelPos -lt 0){
            Write-Log-Line "$Stamp ERROR Wrong log level parameter [$Level]" $logFile
        # if level parameter is wrong or configuration is wrong I still want to see the 
        # message in log
        if ($levelPos -lt $logLevelPos -and $levelPos -ge 0 -and $logLevelPos -ge 0){
        $Line = "$Stamp $Level $Message"
        Write-Log-Line $Line $logFile
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 22:56
    function WriteLog
        Param ([string]$LogString)
        $LogFile = "C:\$(gc env:computername).log"
        $DateTime = "[{0:MM/dd/yy} {0:HH:mm:ss}]" -f (Get-Date)
        $LogMessage = "$Datetime $LogString"
        Add-content $LogFile -value $LogMessage
    WriteLog "This is my log message"
    0 讨论(0)