Is there a nice simple method of delaying a function call whilst letting the thread continue executing?
public void foo()
// Do stuff!
It sounds like the control of the creation of both these objects and their interdependence needs to controlled externally, rather than between the classes themselves.
It's indeed a very bad design, let alone singleton by itself is bad design.
However, if you really do need to delay execution, here's what you may do:
BackgroundWorker barInvoker = new BackgroundWorker();
barInvoker.DoWork += delegate
This will, however, invoke bar()
on a separate thread. If you need to call bar()
in the original thread you might need to move bar()
invocation to RunWorkerCompleted
handler or do a bit of hacking with SynchronizationContext
Thanks to modern C# 5/6 :)
public void foo()
Task.Delay(1000).ContinueWith(t=> bar());
public void bar()
// do stuff
There is no standard way to delay a call to a function other than to use a timer and events.
This sounds like the GUI anti pattern of delaying a call to a method so that you can be sure the form has finished laying out. Not a good idea.
public static class DelayedDelegate
static Timer runDelegates;
static Dictionary<MethodInvoker, DateTime> delayedDelegates = new Dictionary<MethodInvoker, DateTime>();
static DelayedDelegate()
runDelegates = new Timer();
runDelegates.Interval = 250;
runDelegates.Tick += RunDelegates;
runDelegates.Enabled = true;
public static void Add(MethodInvoker method, int delay)
delayedDelegates.Add(method, DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(delay));
static void RunDelegates(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<MethodInvoker> removeDelegates = new List<MethodInvoker>();
foreach (MethodInvoker method in delayedDelegates.Keys)
if (DateTime.Now >= delayedDelegates[method])
foreach (MethodInvoker method in removeDelegates)
void MyMethod()
MessageBox.Show("5 Seconds Later!");
This will work either on older versions of .NET
Cons: will execute in its own thread
class CancelableDelay
Thread delayTh;
Action action;
int ms;
public static CancelableDelay StartAfter(int milliseconds, Action action)
CancelableDelay result = new CancelableDelay() { ms = milliseconds };
result.action = action;
result.delayTh = new Thread(result.Delay);
return result;
private CancelableDelay() { }
void Delay()
catch (ThreadAbortException)
{ }
public void Cancel() => delayTh.Abort();
var job = CancelableDelay.StartAfter(1000, () => { WorkAfter1sec(); });
job.Cancel(); //to cancel the delayed job