Popularity: worldwide numbers say that Java ME is clearly ahead of everybody else. Symbian is a distant second. iPhone is an even more distant third, far far away. However, if you're targeting a continent or a country or a language, then the numbers can change dramatically.
Ease of development: Objective-C is a cool and powerful thing, but remember it is 20 years old. iPhone is easy to develop for, but Android development is just as easy, free and multi-platform. Java ME is a nightmare except if you target a very limited number of different handset models. Native Symbian OS C++ has the worse reputation in the market, but it's clawing back inch by inch, year after year. Symbian also the huge advantage of letting you choose which language you want to develop in.
Cost of tools: Java ME would be cheapest, followed by Symbian, Android then iPhone.
Other criteria: well, a lot depends on what applications you want to develop.
No mention of Palm's WebOS as it barely registers as a blip on the radar, from a commercial standpoint, at least for now.