Let me first say the problem I have: I need to fill in the same web page a lot of times, and the content that I need to fill in is for the biggest part the same, but is scat
You can do this using a bookmarklet. A bookmarklet is a bookmark with a URI starting with the pseudo-protocol javascript:
followed by URI-encoded JavaScript code. When you trigger the bookmark, browser will run the code in the context of the current page. So you'd go to that page, then use that bookmarklet to fill in your standard information, and there you go.
For example, here's a bookmarklet that, when run, will look for an element with the id
on the page and, if found, assign "some value"
to its value
javascript:(function(){var d=document,e=d.getElementById("someElement");e.value="some value";})();
For Mozilla use like as
javascript:function myFun(){
var d=document;
var e=d.getElementById("someElement");
var e.value="some value";
javascript : { document.getElementById('PlateNo').value='0815';document.getElementById('AppRef').value='013007';document.getElementById('VehicleReg').value='MX53 YMD'; void(0) }
Here is an example of one that lets you edit the webpage like a document.
javascript:document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
This bookmarklet creator will come in handy to squish your JavaScript into one line: http://mrcoles.com/bookmarklet/
You can use prompts and alerts and confirm windows, and I created a game, kind of. It's not that clean though. Here's the javascript-code:
To the editor: there needs to be a "javascript:" at the start for it to work btw
var totalClicks = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++){
var message1 = prompt("Clicker Game!\nClicks: "+totalClicks,"remove this text to end the game");
if (message1 !== "remove this text to end the game"){
i = Math.Infinity;
alert("Thanks for playing my game!\nClicks: "+totalClicks)