I want to copy data from one column to another column of other table. How can I do that?
I tried the following:
Update tblindiantime Set CountryName
A similar question's answer worked more correctly for me than this question's selected answer (by Mark Byers). Using Mark's answer, my updated column got the same value in all the rows (perhaps the value from the first row that matched the join). Using ParveenaArora's answer from the other thread updated the column with the correct values.
Transforming Parveena's solution to use this question' table and column names, the query would be as follows (where I assume the tables are related through tblindiantime.contact_id):
UPDATE tblindiantime
SET CountryName = contacts.BusinessCountry
FROM contacts
WHERE tblindiantime.contact_id = contacts.id;
It can be solved by using different attribute.
Hope you have key field is two tables.
UPDATE tblindiantime t
SET CountryName = (SELECT c.BusinessCountry
FROM contacts c WHERE c.Key = t.Key
Here the query:
Same Table:
UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = column2
Different Table:
UPDATE table_name1
SET column1 = (
SELECT column2
FROM table_name2
WHERE table_name1.id = table_name2.id
I think that all previous answers are correct, this below code is very valid specially if you have to update multiple rows at once, note: it's PL/SQL
CURSOR myCursor IS
Select contacts.BusinessCountry
From contacts c WHERE c.Key = t.Key;
FOR resultValue IN myCursor LOOP
Update tblindiantime t
Set CountryName=resultValue.BusinessCountry
where t.key=resultValue.key;
I wish this could help.
In SQL Server 2008 you can use a multi-table update as follows:
UPDATE tblindiantime
SET tblindiantime.CountryName = contacts.BusinessCountry
FROM tblindiantime
JOIN contacts
ON -- join condition here
You need a join condition to specify which row should be updated.
If the target table is currently empty then you should use an INSERT instead:
INSERT INTO tblindiantime (CountryName)
SELECT BusinessCountry FROM contacts