Send mail via Gmail with PowerShell V2's Send-MailMessage

前端 未结 13 1996
一生所求 2020-11-30 21:07

I\'m trying to figure out how to use PowerShell V2\'s Send-MailMessage with Gmail.

Here\'s what I have so far.

$ss = New-Object Security         

  • 2020-11-30 21:14

    After many tests and a long search for solutions, I found a functional and interesting script code at #PSTip Sending emails using your Gmail account:

    $param = @{
        SmtpServer = ''
        Port = 587
        UseSsl = $true
        Credential  = ''
        From = ''
        To = ''
        Subject = 'Sending emails through Gmail with Send-MailMessage'
        Body = "Check out the website!"
        Attachments = 'D:\articles.csv'
    Send-MailMessage @param
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 21:14

    I agree with Christian Muggli's solution, although at first I still got the error that Scott Weinstein reported. How you get past that is:

    EITHER first login to Gmail from the machine this will run on, using the account specified. (It is not necessary to add any Google sites to the Trusted Sites zone, even if Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration is enabled.)

    OR, on your first attempt, you will get the error, and your Gmail account will get a notice about suspicious login, so follow their instructions to allow future logins from the machine this will run on.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 21:15

    Send email with attachment using PowerShell -

          $EmailTo = ""  //
          $EmailFrom = ""  //
          $Subject = "zx"  //subject
          $Body = "Test Body"  // Body of message
          $SMTPServer = "" 
          $filenameAndPath = "G:\abc.jpg"  // Attachment
          $SMTPMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $Subject, $Body)
          $attachment = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Attachment($filenameAndPath)
          $SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587) 
          $SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true 
          $SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("", "xxxxxxxx"); // xxxxxx-password
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 21:18

    I used Christian's Feb 12 solution and I'm also just beginning to learn PowerShell. As far as attachments, I was poking around with Get-Member learning how it works and noticed that Send() has two definitions... the second definition takes a System.Net.Mail.MailMessage object which allows for Attachments and many more powerful and useful features like Cc and Bcc. Here's an example that has attachments (to be mixed with his above example):

    # append to Christian's code above --^
    $emailMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $emailMessage.From = $EmailFrom
    $emailMessage.Subject = $Subject
    $emailMessage.Body = $Body


    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 21:21

    Here's my PowerShell Send-MailMessage sample for Gmail...

    Tested and working solution:

    $EmailFrom = ""
    $EmailTo = ""
    $Subject = "Notification from XYZ"
    $Body = "this is a notification from XYZ Notifications.."
    $SMTPServer = ""
    $SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587)
    $SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true
    $SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");
    $SMTPClient.Send($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $Subject, $Body)

    Just change $EmailTo, and username/password in $SMTPClient.Credentials... Do not include in your username...

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-30 21:22

    On a Windows 8.1 machine I got Send-MailMessage to send an email with an attachment through Gmail using the following script:

    $EmFrom = ""
    $username = ""
    $pwd = "YOURPASSWORD"
    $EmTo = ""
    $Server = ""
    $port = 587
    $Subj = "Test"
    $Bod = "Test 123"
    $Att = "c:\Filename.FileType"
    $securepwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $pwd -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $securepwd
    Send-MailMessage -To $EmTo -From $EmFrom -Body $Bod -Subject $Subj -Attachments $Att -SmtpServer $Server -port $port -UseSsl  -Credential $cred
    0 讨论(0)