I\'m trying to use Bower for a web app, but find myself hitting some sort of proxy issues:
D:\\>bower search jquery
bower retry Request to https:/
I am behind corporate firewall and I have to specify domain name too. None of these answers worked for me. Here is what I did -
Open up cntml.ini and change the following
Domain your_domain_name
Username your_domain_username
Password your_domain_passowrd
PassLM 1AD35398BE6565DDB5C4EF70C0593492 (uncomment this)
PassNT 77B9081511704EE852F94227CF48A793 (uncomment this too)
Proxy http://localhost:8888
Go to services.msc and start the CNTLM Authentication service.
In this case specify http.proxy and https.proxy as http://localhost:8888
This will work for other client programs. Just specify proxy as http://localhost:8888
"directory": "library",
"registry": "http://bower.herokuapp.com",
This code worked for me. I am using Win 7 and chrome and also git bash. Here few things need to be cleared. This takes me huge time to find the actual data regarding the user name, password, proxy IP and Port. I will describe it step by step so that every learners can easily grasp the message:
Type above code in the .bowerrc file with the following changes:
Replace <USERNAME>
with your internet connection user ID or login ID
Replace <PASSWORD>
with your internet connection password or login password.
Replace <PROXY_IP>
with the working proxy IP address and its port number.
**Note: There should be no angle brackets.**
Proxy IP should be different than your own IP.
Before using any proxy IP and port you should check it is working by changing your proxy IP and port.
You can go through this link to know the details of proxy settings at description here
a@a-PC MINGW32 /d/conFusion
$ bower install
Try changing the registry value in your .bowerrc:
"registry": "http://bower.herokuapp.com"
I did not have a .bowerrc file to configure my bower settings. I found the settings living in a file called defaults.js. found under "C:\...\bower\node_modules\bower-config\lib\util\defaults.js"
I hope this helps others:
var defaults = {
'cwd': process.cwd(),
'directory': 'bower_components',
'registry': 'http://bower.herokuapp.com',
'shorthand-resolver': 'git://github.com/{{owner}}/{{package}}.git',
'tmp': paths.tmp,
'proxy': '<<http://user:pass@proxy:port>>', // change proxy here or at the top
'https-proxy': '<<http://user:pass@proxy:port>>', // change proxy here or at the top
'timeout': 30000,
'ca': { search: [] },
'strict-ssl': false,
'user-agent': userAgent,
'color': true,
'interactive': null,
'storage': {
packages: path.join(paths.cache, 'packages'),
links: path.join(paths.data, 'links'),
completion: path.join(paths.data, 'completion'),
registry: path.join(paths.cache, 'registry'),
empty: path.join(paths.data, 'empty') // Empty dir, used in GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR among others
module.exports = defaults;