Regarding the classic test pattern of Arrange-Act-Assert, I frequently find myself adding a counter-assertion that precedes Act. This way I know that the passing assertion
It could also be specified as Arrange-Assume-Act-Assert.
There is a technical handle for this in NUnit, as in the example here:
Here's an example.
public void testEncompass() throws Exception {
Range range = new Range(0, 5);
It could be that I wrote Range.includes()
to simply return true. I didn't, but I can imagine that I might have. Or I could have written it wrong in any number of other ways. I would hope and expect that with TDD I actually got it right - that includes()
just works - but maybe I didn't. So the first assertion is a sanity check, to ensure that the second assertion is really meaningful.
Read by itself, assertTrue(range.includes(7));
is saying: "assert that the modified range includes 7". Read in the context of the first assertion, it's saying: "assert that invoking encompass() causes it to include 7. And since encompass is the unit we're testing, I think that's of some (small) value.
I'm accepting my own answer; a lot of the others misconstrued my question to be about testing the setup. I think this is slightly different.