I\'m trying to serialize using boost property tree write_json, it saves everything as strings, it\'s not that data are wrong, but I need to cast them explicitly every time a
The simplest and cleanest solution that i could come up with was generating the JSON with placeholders and in the end string replacing with the actual value ditching the extra quotes.
static string buildGetOrdersCommand() {
ptree root;
ptree element;
element.put<string>("pendingOnly", ":pendingOnly");
element.put<string>("someIntValue", ":someIntValue");
root.put("command", "getOrders");
root.put_child("arguments", element);
std::ostringstream buf;
write_json(buf, root, false);
buf << std::endl;
string json = buf.str();
replace(json, ":pendingOnly", "true");
replace(json, ":someIntValue", std::to_string(15));
return json;
static void replace(string& json, const string& placeholder, const string& value) {
boost::replace_all<string>(json, "\"" + placeholder + "\"", value);
And the result is