I am getting this error while running my application. Here are the details of my application.
Angular CLI: 7.3.3
Node: 10.15.1
Angular: 7.2.7
If your moving to angular 8 or 9 this will do the trick
ng update @angular/cli
I had the same problem, but I solved it thanks to the comment of Ekta Gandhi:
Finally i found the solution.
1) Firstly eliminate all changes in package.json file by giving simple command git checkout package.json.
2) Then after make change in package.json in @angular-devkit/build-angular- ~0.800.1(Add tail instead of cap)
3) Then run command rm -rf node_modules/
4) Then clean catch by giving command npm clean cache -f
5) And at last run command npm install. This works for me.
.... Along with the modification proposed by Dimuthu
Made it to @angular-devkit/build-angular": "0.13.4" and it worked.