We\'re using Doctrine, a PHP ORM. I am creating a query like this:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()->select(\'id\')->from(\'MyTable\');
does technically show the whole SQL command, but it's a lot more useful when you can see the parameters as well.
echo $q->getSqlQuery();
foreach ($q->getFlattenedParams() as $index => $param)
echo "$index => $param";
To make this pattern more reusable, there's a nice approach described in the comments at Raw SQL from Doctrine Query Object.
You can easily access the SQL parameters using the following approach.
$result = $qb->getQuery()->getSQL();
$param_values = '';
$col_names = '';
foreach ($result->getParameters() as $index => $param){
$param_values .= $param->getValue().',';
$col_names .= $param->getName().',';
//echo rtrim($param_values,',');
//echo rtrim($col_names,',');
So if you printed out the $param_values
and $col_names
, you can get the parameter values passing through the sql and respective column names.
Note : If $param
returns an array, you need to re iterate, as parameters inside IN (:?)
usually comes is as a nested array.
Meantime if you found another approach, please be kind enough to share with us :)
Thank you!
You can use :
If you are using MySQL you can use Workbench to view running SQL statements. You can also use view the running query from mysql by using the following :
$sql = $query->getSQL();
$obj->mapDQLParametersNamesToSQL($query->getDQL(), $sql);
echo $sql;//to see parameters names in sql
$obj->mapDQLParametersValuesToSQL($query->getParameters(), $sql);
echo $sql;//to see parameters values in sql
public function mapDQLParametersNamesToSQL($dql, &$sql)
$matches = [];
$parameterNamePattern = '/:\w+/';
/** Found parameter names in DQL */
preg_match_all($parameterNamePattern, $dql, $matches);
if (empty($matches[0])) {
$needle = '?';
foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
$strPos = strpos($sql, $needle);
if ($strPos !== false) {
/** Paste parameter names in SQL */
$sql = substr_replace($sql, $match, $strPos, strlen($needle));
public function mapDQLParametersValuesToSQL($parameters, &$sql)
$matches = [];
$parameterNamePattern = '/:\w+/';
/** Found parameter names in SQL */
preg_match_all($parameterNamePattern, $sql, $matches);
if (empty($matches[0])) {
foreach ($matches[0] as $parameterName) {
$strPos = strpos($sql, $parameterName);
if ($strPos !== false) {
foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
/** @var \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parameter $parameter */
if ($parameterName !== ':' . $parameter->getName()) {
$parameterValue = $parameter->getValue();
if (is_string($parameterValue)) {
$parameterValue = "'$parameterValue'";
if (is_array($parameterValue)) {
foreach ($parameterValue as $key => $value) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$parameterValue[$key] = "'$value'";
$parameterValue = implode(', ', $parameterValue);
/** Paste parameter values in SQL */
$sql = substr_replace($sql, $parameterValue, $strPos, strlen($parameterName));
To print out an SQL query in Doctrine, use:
A working example:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a');
echo $query->getSQL();
// Show Parameters:
echo $query->getParameters();