I need to implement version control, even for just the developing I do at home. I have read about how great Subversion is for the past couple years and was about to dedicat
Use subversion, it's easy to setup, easy to use, and has plenty of tools. Any future revision system will have an import from SVN feature, so it isn't like you can't change down the road if your needs grow.
The most important thing about version control is:
Not using version control is a horrible idea. If you are not using version control, stop reading right now and start using it.
It is very easy to convert from
It doesn't matter which one you choose. Just pick the easiest one for you to use and start recording the history of your code. You can always migrate to another (D)VCS later.
If you are looking for a easy to use GUI look at TortoiseSVN (Windows) and Versions (Mac) (Suggested by codingwithoutcomments)
pix0r said:
Git has some nice features, but you won't be able to appreciate them unless you've already used something more standard like CVS or Subversion.
This. Using git is pointless if you don't know what version control can do for you.
Edit 2:
Just saw this link on reddit: Subversion Cheat Sheet. Good quick reference for the svn command line.
Coding Horror has a great post about how to set up Subversion on Windows.
Following the tutorial, I was able to get Subervsion and TortoiseSVN running locally, and I got the education I needed out of it.
As far as Git goes, it's probably a good idea to do a hands on experiment with both of them, to understand which fits your specific development practice.
The Subversion Book is your best bet for learning the tool. There may be other quick-start tutorials out there, but the Book is the best single reference you'll find.
Git has some nice features, but you won't be able to appreciate them unless you've already used something more standard like CVS or Subversion. I'd definitely agree with the previous posters and start with Subversion.
My vote goes to Subversion. It's very powerful, yet easy to use, and has some great tools like TortoiseSVN.
But as others have said before me, JUST START USING IT. Source control is such an important part of the software development process. No "serious" software project should be without it.
At my current job, my predecessor did not use any kind of version control. There are just mountains of folders in at least 3 different places where he kept all of his projects. Any random project folder can be expected to find at least one folder name "project (OLD)" and one named "project"
With version control, you never have to make copies of "safe" builds. You don't really have to worry about your IDE corrupting the file you're working on (I'm looking at you, REALBasic 5.5) because is so easy to commit (Read: Save) your work every day.
Needless to say, I installed version control the day after I found out it existed.
Also, TortoiseSVN makes committing to the database as easy as right clicking a folder.