I\'m programming in Java and my applications are making a lot of use of DB. Hence, it is important for me to be able to test my DB usage easily.
What DB tests are all ab
We recently switched to JavaDB or Derby to implement this. Derby now implements an in-memory representation so it runs very fast, it doesn't need to go to disk: Derby In Memory Primer
We design our application to run on Oracle, PostgreSQL and Derby so we don't get too far down the road on any one platform before finding out that one database supports a feature that other ones don't.
There are lots of points of view on how to test integration points such as the Database connection via SQL. My personal set of rules that has worked well for me is as follows:
1) Separate out the Database accessing logic and functions from general business logic and hide it behind an interface. Reason: In order to test the grand majority of logic in the system it is best to use a dummy/stub in place of the actual database as its simpler. Reason 2: It is dramatically faster
2) Treat tests for the database as integration tests that are separated from the main body of unit tests and need to run on a setup database Reason: Speed and quality of tests
3) Every developer will need their own distinct database. They will need an automated way to update its structure based on changes from their team mates and introduce data. See points 4 and 5.
4) Use a tool like http://www.liquibase.org to manage upgrades in your databases structure. Reason: Gives you agility in the ability to change the existing structure and move forward in versions
5) Use a tool like http://dbunit.sourceforge.net/ to manage the data. Set up scenario files (xml or XLS) for particular test cases and base data and only clear down what is needed for any one test case. Reason: Much better than manually inserting and deleting data Reason 2: Easier for testers to understand how to adjust scenarios Reason 3: Its quicker to execute this
6) You need functional tests which also have DBUnit like scenario data, but this are far larger sets of data and execute the entire system. This completes the step of combining the knowledge that a) The unit tests run and hence the logic is sound b) That the integration tests to the database run and SQL is correct resulting in "and the system as a whole works together as a top to bottom stack"
This combination has served me well so far for achieving a high quality of testing and product as well as maintaining speed of unit test development and agility to change.