So far whenever I needed to use a conditional statement within a Widget I have done the following (Using Center and Containers as simplified dummy examples):
In flutter if you want to do conditional rendering, you may do this:
children: <Widget>[
if (isCondition == true)
Text('The condition is true'),
But what if you want to use a tertiary (if-else) condition? when the child widget is multi-layered.
You can use this for its solution flutter_conditional_rendering a flutter package which enhances conditional rendering, supports if-else and switch conditions.
If-Else condition:
children: <Widget>[
context: context,
conditionBuilder: (BuildContext context) => someCondition == true,
widgetBuilder: (BuildContext context) => Text('The condition is true!'),
fallbackBuilder: (BuildContext context) => Text('The condition is false!'),
Switch condition:
children: <Widget>[
context: context,
valueBuilder: (BuildContext context) => 'A',
caseBuilders: {
'A': (BuildContext context) => Text('The value is A!'),
'B': (BuildContext context) => Text('The value is B!'),
fallbackBuilder: (BuildContext context) => Text('None of the cases matched!'),
If you want to conditionally render a list of widgets (List<Widget>)
instead of a single one. Use Conditional.list()
and ConditionalSwitch.list()!
For the record, Dart 2.3 added the ability to use if/else statements in Collection literals. This is now done the following way:
return Column(children: <Widget>[
if (condition)
Text("should not render if false"),
Flutter Issue #28181 - Inline conditional rendering in list
Actually you can use if/else
and switch
and any other statement inline in dart / flutter.
class StatmentExample extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Text((() {
return "tis true";}
return "anything but true";
ie wrap your statements in a function
(() {
// your code here
I would heavily recommend against putting too much logic directly with your UI 'markup' but I found that type inference in Dart needs a little bit of work so it can be sometimes useful in scenarios like that.
condition ? Text("True") : null,
children: [
for (item in items)
child: getWidget()
Widget getWidget() {
if (x > 5) ...
//more logic here and return a Widget
As another alternative to the ternary operator, you could create a function version of the switch statement such as in the following post
child: case2(myInput,
1: Text("Its one"),
2: Text("Its two"),
}, Text("Default"));
I personally use if/else statement in children with this kind of block statement. It only supports on Dart version 2.3.0 above.
if / else
children: [
if (_selectedIndex == 0) ...[
] else ...[
if / else if
children: [
if (_selectedIndex == 0) ...[
] else if(_selectedIndex == 1)...[
This is great article and conversation. I tried to use the ternary operator as described. But the code didn't work resulting in an error as mentioned.
Column(children: [ condition? Text("True"): null,],);
The ternary example above is miss leading. Dart will respond with an error that a null was returned instead of widget. You can't return null. The correct way will be to return a widget:
Column(children: [ condition? Text("True"): Text("false"),],);
In order for the ternary to work you need to return a Widget. If you don't want to return anything you can return a empty container.
Column(children: [ condition? Text("True"): Container(),],);
Good luck.
****You can also use conditions by using this method** **
int _moneyCounter = 0;
void _rainMoney(){
setState(() {
_moneyCounter += 100;
new Expanded(
child: new Center(
child: new Text('\$$_moneyCounter',
style:new TextStyle(
color: _moneyCounter > 1000 ? : Colors.amberAccent,
fontSize: 47,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w800