Consider the following:
.state(\'manager.staffList\', {url:\'^/staff?alpha\', templateUrl: \'views/staff.list.html\', data:{activeMenu: \'staff\'}, controlle
For setting default child view , check this example . On clicking Route 1
load default state route1.list
// For any unmatched url, send to /route1
.state('route1', {
url: "/route1",
abstract:true ,
templateUrl: "route1.html"
.state('route1.list', {
url: '',
templateUrl: "route1.list.html",
controller: function($scope){
$scope.items = ["A", "List", "Of", "Items"];
.state('route1.desc', {
url: "/desc",
templateUrl: "route1.desc.html",
controller: function($scope){
$scope.items = [];
.state('route2', {
url: "/route2",
templateUrl: "route2.html"
.state('route2.list', {
url: "/list",
templateUrl: "route2.list.html",
controller: function($scope){
$scope.things = ["A", "Set", "Of", "Things"];
I ran into the same issue and found this solution to work:
This is quoted from @christopherthielen on github
"For now, don't declare your state abstract, and use this recipe:"$rootScope, $state) {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(evt, to, params) {
if (to.redirectTo) {
$state.go(to.redirectTo, params)
$stateProvider.state('parent' , {
url: "/parent",
templateUrl: "parent.html",
redirectTo: 'parent.child'
$stateProvider.state('parent.child' , {
url: "/child",
templateUrl: "child.html"
Here is breakdown of how the process works:
Add angular-ui-router-default and add the abstract
and default
options to the parent state:
.state('manager.staffDetail.view', {abstract: true, default: '.schedule', url:'/view', templateUrl: 'views/staff.details.html', data:{activeMenu: 'staff'}})
.state('manager.staffDetail.view.schedule', {url:'/schedule', templateUrl:'views/staff.view.schedule.html', data:{activeMenu: 'staff'}})
Note: for this to work, the parent template must have <ui-view/>
somewhere in it.