To add a legend to a matplotlib plot, one simply runs legend()
How to remove a legend from a plot?
(The closest I came to this
you have to add the following lines of code:
ax = gca()
ax.legend_ = None
gca() returns the current axes handle, and has that property legend_
According to the information from @naitsirhc, I wanted to find the official API documentation. Here are my finding and some sample code.
object by seaborn.scatterplot().ax.get_legend()
will return a matplotlib.legned.Legend
function to remove the legend from your = sns.scatterplot(......)
_lg = ax.get_legend()
If you check the matplotlib.legned.Legend API document, you won't see the .remove()
The reason is that the matplotlib.legned.Legend
inherited the matplotlib.artist.Artist. Therefore, when you call ax.get_legend().remove()
that basically call matplotlib.artist.Artist.remove().
In the end, you could even simplify the code into two lines.
ax = sns.scatterplot(......)
If you are not using fig and ax plot objects you can do it like so:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# do plot specifics
if you call pyplot
as plt
is to remove the border around the legend
and '' is passing the information that no variable should be in the legend
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
You could use the legend's set_visible
This is based on a answer provided to me in response to a similar question I had some time ago here
(Thanks for that answer Jouni - I'm sorry I was unable to mark the question as answered... perhaps someone who has the authority can do so for me?)
I made a legend by adding it to the figure, not to an axis (matplotlib 2.2.2). To remove it, I set the legends
attribute of the figure to an empty list:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.plot(range(10), range(10, 20), label='line 1')
ax2.plot(range(10), range(30, 20, -1), label='line 2')
fig.legends = []