I have 7 devices plugged into my development machine.
Normally I do adb install
and can install to just a single device.
Here's a functional one line command tailored from kichik's response (thanks!):
adb devices | tail -n +2 | cut -sf 1 | xargs -iX adb -s X install -r *.apk
But if you happen to be using Maven it's even simpler:
mvn android:deploy
Originated from here: Make The Previous Post A Mass APK Installer That Does Not Uses ADB Install-Multi Syntax
@echo off :loop ::-------------------------- has argument ? if ["%~1"]==[""] ( echo done. goto end ) ::-------------------------- argument exist ? if not exist %~s1 ( echo error "%~1" does not exist in file-system. ) else ( echo "%~1" exist if exist %~s1\NUL ( echo "%~1" is a directory ) else ( echo "%~1" is a file! - time to install: call adb install %~s1 ) ) ::-------------------------- shift goto loop :end pause ::: ########################################################################## ::: ## ## ::: ## 0. run: adb devices - to start the deamon and list your device ## ::: ## ## ::: ## 1. drag&drop ANY amount of files (APK) over this batch files, ## ::: ## ## ::: ## - it will install them one by one. ## ::: ## - it just checks if file exists. ## ::: ## - it does not checks if it is a valid APK package ## ::: ## - it does not checks if package-already-installed ## ::: ## - if there is an error you can always press [CTRL]+[C] ## ::: ## to stop the script, and continue from the next one, ## ::: ## some other time. ## ::: ## - the file is copied as DOS's 8.3 naming to you ## ::: ## don't need to worry about wrapping file names or renaming ## ::: ## them, just drag&drop them over this batch. ## ::: ## ## ::: ## Elad Karako 1/1/2016 ## ::: ## http://icompile.eladkarako.com ## ::: ##########################################################################
Here is bash for install and run apk on all connected devices
nick@nickolay:/home/workspace/MyProject$ > bash path/to/installAndRunApk.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#--------find apk---------
apkFile=$(find -name '*.apk' -print | grep -oP '(?<=.).*(.apk)')
#--------find apkFilePath---------
if test -z "apkFile"
echo "apkFile: is NULL"
exit 0;
echo "apkFile: ${apkFile}"
echo "apk file path: ${apkFilePath}"
if test -z "$apkFilePath"
echo "apkFilePath: is NULL"
exit 0;
echo "adb install -t -r ${apkFilePath}"
for SERIAL in $(adb devices | grep -v List | cut -f 1);
do `adb -s ${SERIAL} install -t -r ${apkFilePath}`;
#--------get applicationId---------
echo "aapt dump badging ${apkFilePath} | grep -oP '(?<=package: name=).*(?=versionCode)'"
applicationId=$(aapt dump badging ${apkFilePath} | grep -oP '(?<=package: name=).*(?=versionCode)')
echo "applicationId: is ${applicationId}"
if test -z "$applicationId"
echo "applicationId: is NULL"
exit 0;
echo "____________________START_APPLICATION_ID________________________"
echo "applicationId: ${applicationId}"
echo "____________________END_APPLICATION_ID__________________________"
echo "____________________START_LAUNCHER______________________________"
for SERIAL in $(adb devices | grep -v List | cut -f 1);
do `adb -s ${SERIAL} shell monkey -p ${applicationId} -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1`;
echo "____________________END_LAUNCHER________________________________"
PowerShell solution
function global:adba() {
$deviceIds = iex "adb devices" | select -skip 1 | %{$_.Split([char]0x9)[0].Trim() } | where {$_ -ne "" }
foreach ($deviceId in $deviceIds) {
Echo ("--Executing on device " + $deviceId + ":---")
iex ("adb -s $deviceId " + $args)
Put this in your profile file (notepad $PROFILE
), restart your shell and you can invoke installations with :
adba install yourApp.apk
This command works perfect
adb devices | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | xargs -n1 -I% adb -s % install foo.apk
With this script you can just do:
adb+ install <path to apk>
Clean, simple.