After updating iOS 8.1.3, I tried to download, but getting error \"Unable to download app\" and \"could not be installed at this time\" mes
I've done quite a few experiments with this. In my experience the bundle identifier in the manifest.plist file isn't actually that critical. The most important thing to do is to get the entitlements.plist correct.
Rather than creating this manually I would recommend generating it from the provisioning profile using the following script (credit):
# Create an entitlements file
# parse provision profile
security cms -D -i "provProfile.mobileprovision" > ProvisionProfile.plist 2>&1
# generate entitilements.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -x -c "Print Entitlements" ProvisionProfile.plist > Entitlements.plist 2>&1
You can then use this entitlements file with the --entitlements option on the codesign utility.
ios 8.1.3: inhouse app need distribute with MDM.
Impact: A malicious enterprise-signed application may be able to take control of the local container for applications already on a device
Description: A vulnerability existed in the application installation process. This was addressed by preventing enterprise applications from overriding existing applications in specific scenarios.
from apple release note