Is there a way to get AWS pricing programmatically (cost per hour of each instance type, cost per GB/month of storage on S3, and etc)?
Also, are there cost monitorin
In addition to @arturhoo's answer which provides the EC2 spots
You can obtain the historic prices with the CLI tool
aws ec2 describe-spot-price-history \
--instance-types m1.xlarge \
--product-description "Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC)" \
--start-time 2016-10-31T03:00:00 \
--end-time 2016-10-31T03:16:00 \
--query 'SpotPriceHistory[*].[Timestamp,SpotPrice]'
which takes the spot price between 3:00am
and 3:16am
Monday 31st October 2016 (UTC)
using the aws cli (in the examples below, I have also included how the same thing can be executed using jq)
aws pricing describe-services --region us-east-1
aws pricing describe-services --region us-east-1 | jq -r '.Services[] | .ServiceCode'
which will return values like:
aws pricing describe-services --service-code AmazonEC2 --region us-east-1
aws pricing describe-services --service-code AmazonEC2 --region us-east-1 | jq -r '.Services[] | .AttributeNames[]'
which will return values like:
(this will take a while since it is every sku for the service code, so I will show examples using filtering further down)
aws pricing get-products --service-code AmazonEC2 --region us-east-1
and another for location
:aws pricing get-products --service-code AmazonEC2 --filters "Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=instanceType,Value=m5.xlarge" "Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=location,Value=US East (N. Virginia)" --region us-east-1
and another for location
(with jq):aws pricing get-products --service-code AmazonEC2 --filters "Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=instanceType,Value=m5.xlarge" "Type=TERM_MATCH,Field=location,Value=US East (N. Virginia)" --region us-east-1 | jq -rc '.PriceList[]' | jq -r '[ .product.attributes.servicecode, .product.attributes.location, .product.attributes.instancesku?, .product.attributes.instanceType, .product.attributes.usagetype, .product.attributes.operatingSystem, .product.attributes.memory, .product.attributes.physicalProcessor, .product.attributes.processorArchitecture, .product.attributes.vcpu, .product.attributes.currentGeneration, .terms.OnDemand[].priceDimensions[].unit, .terms.OnDemand[].priceDimensions[].pricePerUnit.USD, .terms.OnDemand[].priceDimensions[].description] | @csv'
which will return values like:
"AmazonEC2","US East (N. Virginia)","EWZRARGKPMTYQJFP","m5.xlarge","UnusedDed:m5.xlarge","Linux","16 GiB","Intel Xeon Platinum 8175 (Skylake)","64-bit","4","Yes","Hrs","0.6840000000","$0.684 per Dedicated Unused Reservation Linux with SQL Std m5.xlarge Instance Hour"``` [...]
Just to let you know that they seem to have changed the JSON addresses. It includes the new C3 instance types
Update 01/21/2014: addresses changed again. Please note that these are JS files with a callback function that should be removed so that it becomes a parsable JSON.
Update 09/21/2014: addresses changed once again and include the new T2 instace types. To be treated as JSON files, the initial comments and the callback function should be removed and the keys should be wrapped in double quotes.
On Demand
Reserved Light
Reserved Medium
Reserved Heavy
Previous endpoint:
Beside the official AWS JSON endpoint, is also an option. It respond both to json and text based(so you can use grep, awk etc).
curl -L ''
Instance Type Memory vCPUs Storage Network Price Monthly Spot Price
m6g.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.0770 56.210 0.0357
t3.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 5 Gigabit 0.0832 60.736 0.0250
m5a.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.0860 62.780 0.0345
i3en.large 16 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 1250 NVMe SSD Up to 25 Gigabit 0.2260 164.980 0.0678
r4.large 15.25 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.1330 97.090 0.0343
r5.large 16 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.1260 91.980 0.0356
r5a.large 16 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only 10 Gigabit 0.1130 82.490 0.0356
r5dn.large 16 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 75 NVMe SSD Up to 25 Gigabit 0.1670 121.910 0.0356
t3a.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 5 Gigabit 0.0752 54.896 0.0226
m4.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Moderate 0.1000 73.000 0.0362
i3.large 15.25 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 475 NVMe SSD Up to 10 Gigabit 0.1560 113.880 0.0468
m5dn.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 75 NVMe SSD Up to 25 Gigabit 0.1360 99.280 0.0340
m5d.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 75 NVMe SSD Up to 10 Gigabit 0.1130 82.490 0.0340
t2.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Low to Moderate 0.0928 67.744 0.0278
z1d.large 16 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 75 NVMe SSD Up to 10 Gigabit 0.1860 135.780 0.0558
c5.large 4 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.0850 62.050 0.0324
m5ad.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 75 NVMe SSD Up to 10 Gigabit 0.1030 75.190 0.0345
r6g.large 16 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.1008 73.584 0.0374
r5d.large 16 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 75 NVMe SSD 10 Gigabit 0.1440 105.120 0.0356
r5n.large 16 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 25 Gigabit 0.1490 108.770 0.0356
r5ad.large 16 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 75 NVMe SSD 10 Gigabit 0.1310 95.630 0.0356
c6g.large 4 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.0680 49.640 0.0340
m5n.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 25 Gigabit 0.1190 86.870 0.0340
c4.large 3.75 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Moderate 0.1000 73.000 0.0308
c5a.large 4 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.0770 56.210 0.0324
c5d.large 4 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 50 NVMe SSD Up to 10 Gigabit 0.0960 70.080 0.0324
m5.large 8 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.0960 70.080 0.0341
c5n.large 5.25 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 25 Gigabit 0.1080 78.840 0.0326
a1.large 4 GiB 2 vCPUs EBS only Up to 10 Gigabit 0.0510 37.230 0.0227
c3.large 3.75 GiB 2 vCPUs 2 x 16 SSD Moderate 0.1050 76.650 0.0294
r3.large 15.25 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 32 SSD Moderate 0.1660 121.180 0.0323
m1.large 7.5 GiB 2 vCPUs 2 x 420 SSD Moderate 0.1750 127.750 0.0175
m3.large 7.5 GiB 2 vCPUs 1 x 32 SSD Moderate 0.1330 97.090 0.0308
Also JSON like this:
curl -sL '' -H 'accept: json' | jq .
"Prices": [
"InstanceType": "m4.16xlarge",
"Memory": "256 GiB",
"VCPUS": 64,
"Storage": "EBS only",
"Network": "20 Gigabit",
"Cost": 3.2,
"MonthlyPrice": 2336,
"SpotPrice": "0.9479"
"InstanceType": "m4.large",
"Memory": "8 GiB",
"VCPUS": 2,
"Storage": "EBS only",
"Network": "Moderate",
"Cost": 0.1,
"MonthlyPrice": 73,
"SpotPrice": "0.0362"
"InstanceType": "m4.2xlarge",
"Memory": "32 GiB",
"VCPUS": 8,
"Storage": "EBS only",
"Network": "High",
"Cost": 0.4,
"MonthlyPrice": 292,
"SpotPrice": "0.1504"
"InstanceType": "m4.4xlarge",
"Memory": "64 GiB",
"VCPUS": 16,
"Storage": "EBS only",
"Network": "High",
"Cost": 0.8,
"MonthlyPrice": 584,
"SpotPrice": "0.3168"
"InstanceType": "m4.xlarge",
"Memory": "16 GiB",
"VCPUS": 4,
"Storage": "EBS only",
"Network": "High",
"Cost": 0.2,
"MonthlyPrice": 146,
"SpotPrice": "0.0661"
"InstanceType": "m4.10xlarge",
"Memory": "160 GiB",
"VCPUS": 40,
"Storage": "EBS only",
"Network": "10 Gigabit",
"Cost": 2,
"MonthlyPrice": 1460,
"SpotPrice": "0.7050"
AWS has launched the new price list API for programming integration.
URL Syntax:{offer_code}/current/index.{format}
To get list of supporting services:
AWS blog Referance:
This ruby gem wraps the JSON pricing data provided by Amazon and provides a simple interface, which takes care of mapping the region and instance type names to the ones used in the EC2 API.