I have trying to reduce the overall size of my iOS application which is currently 48MB. When I analyze sub folders, I found Assets.car is taking 41MB. I am not able to open
You can try an online tool, or a QLCARFiles QuickLook plugin for Mac
Universal-binaries seem to contain multiple image resolutions for each screen-density.
Once the app is uploaded to the App Store the file-size will be less than your universal-binary, because each device will only get appropriate image densities.
You can check file-sizes here: iTunes Connect > My Apps > Your App > Activity > Your Build > App Store file-size
If you want to browse and extract asset catalogs, you can also use my app Asset Catalog Tinkerer
This tool can extract a .car archive: https://github.com/steventroughtonsmith/cartool
Steps to extract archive:
Once you've downloaded the zip from github, compile it in Xcode to generate the command line tool. Then expand the Products
group and right click on the cartool
file and locate it in finder. You can then run the tool like so:
cd /path/to/cartool
./cartool /path/to/Assets.car /path/to/outputDirectory
Guilherme Rambo said is correct, not the Lewis42.
Suppose a pdf file('a.pdf') in Asserts.car.
You will get three png files(a.png/a@2x.png/a@3x.png) if using cartool, file format had been changed.
But, if you using AssetCatalogTinkerer, you can preview the a.pdf file(no file format changed).
Run Apple’s assetutil:
xcrun --sdk iphoneos assetutil --info Assets.car
you’ll get a JSON description of each item in the file. Something like this:
"Height" : 60,
"Scale" : 1,
"RenditionName" : "D3801CE9-19F1-4CE9-97C6-7E1EFFFCAE89",
"AssetType" : "Vector",
"SizeOnDisk" : 10822,
"Name" : "mailbox",
"Idiom" : "universal",
"Width" : 99
Note the line "SizeOnDisk" : 10822
This tool performs limited .car manipulation, run man assetutil
for details.
The Assets.car seems to be a proprietary Apple’s archive that first appeared in iOS 7. A few utilities are able to extract its contents using the private class CUICatalog
of the CoreUI framework:
There is also an app that reads .car files: crunch 9$, 15 day trial
Running strings Assets.car
@(#)PROGRAM:CoreUI PROJECT:CoreUI-475.1.1
Running find
inside Xcode-beta returned /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Overlays/IBCocoaTouchImageCatalogTool
, which is a simulator executable (i386 + x86_64). Didn’t investigate any further but I bet that this tool could open .car archives if you run it inside the simulator.